GeriPsy EHR © 2016, is the proprietary health record documentations system of IJMCM LLC. It is designed to meet all Medicare and Medicaid requirements for “medical necessity” standards and is a professional, user-friendly system that provides clinical information that is relevant and administratively efficient. All IJMCM LLC managed clinicians receive a login and password and use the system to document all clinical encounters. GeriPsy © 2016 seamlessly integrates into other, facility-based electronic records and automatically transfers billing information to insurers, eliminating the need for any separate or additional work for the clinician. The system has a built-in accounting feature that automatically tracks payments received, providing a secure HIPAA compliant reporting system for clinicians on payment deposited into their personal bank account.
“Fail-safe” approach
GeriPsy © 2016 uses a “fail-safe” approach that does not allow a clinical encounter to be completed without all required information present. Reminders and alerts are built-in to the system to prompt the clinician to enter required information. Treatment plan reminders are presented regularly, with clinicians presented up-to-date treatment plan due dates upon login as well as “red alerts” when treatment plans are overdue.
Ease of access
An easy navigation system allows clinicians to access patient records by patient name of patient number. Encounters are presented for all completed (signed) notes as well as uncompleted (unsigned) notes and treatment plans, arranged by date and CPT code.
Ease of search
GeryPsy © 2016 provides an efficient “search” and “filter” system to allow access to notes written by patient name, facility, insurance carrier, and a variety of demographic variables.
Ease of information entry
Information is easily entered, using a series of “drop-down” and text entry fields that appear when prompted. Information is saved from session-to-session, and automatically appears, saving the clinician time and effort and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter known information in subsequent sessions. For group therapy, the system allows the creation of a “group note” that automatically transfer all common clinical information to all patients in the group, eliminating the need for separate notes for each patient.
Psychotherapy notes are protected information under the HIPAA "privacy rule". GeriPsy © 2016 provides for confidential information to be saved separately and not reported routinely unless the clinician provides a "override" in producing a report. Notwithstanding such clinically sensitive "confidential" information, other routine treatment information is recorded and available to relevant treatment team members. All IJMCM LLC managed clinicians have appropriate “Business Associate” agreements provided that cover all pertinent rules and regulations with regard to protected health information.
Administrative Reports
GeriPsy © 2016 provides for a number of reports that can be provided to facilities and treatment team members on sessions conducted as well as other relevant practice-related information. GeriPsy © 2016 allows access for “view only” to selected “reviewers” associated with the treatment team. The system can limit reviewer access by facility, provider, patient or practice.
All IJMCM LLC managed clinicians receive appropriate training, including practice on “mock” patients as well as online documentation and “help” in using GeriPsy © 2016.